BI Tool Case Study: Tableau Connector

BI Tool Case Study: Tableau Connector

Our customers frequently give us feedback regarding our products, which we take into account when creating product roadmaps and use to improve our apps. One of the other benefits of this feedback is that we come across interesting testimonies about how our users are...
7 Hacks for Highly Successful Jira Automation

7 Hacks for Highly Successful Jira Automation

Do you find yourself triaging tickets the same way or redundantly entering information? Within your Atlassian Jira instance, are you constantly leaving comments for users to update issues that have been idle? To ensure work is complete, do you find yourself creating...
How to add DVCS Repositories via API to Atlassian Jira

How to add DVCS Repositories via API to Atlassian Jira

We had a client reach out to us, asking how they could add repositories to Jira via the API. Unfortunately, there is no official API for this, and thus, no method that Atlassian supports for doing this. We dug into the private APIs and dug up how to do this. The APIs...